I will freely admit, as I have done in the past, that I normally need motivation to watch sports on TV when teams that I am a fan of are not playing. Notable exceptions would be football (I'll watch any game anytime), March Madness, and games I have money riding on. I guess I also will watch championship series as well (World Series, NBA finals, etc.)
I will say that NBA Western Conference playoffs normally would not interest me and I would probably only watch if I happened to flip to the channel or I was in a sports bar, etc. But I have been watching this Mavs-Warriors series, staying up to the wee hours here on the East Coast, and it has been well worth it.
Yes I'm cheering for the Warriors b/c they're the underdog but, honestly, this series has been so good that I don't really care who wins so much as that the games are fun to watch. Still not convinced it would be worth your time? I submit to you my top 10 reasons to watch tonight:
10. No #8 seed has ever beaten a #1 seed in a best-of-seven series.
9. Unlike Eastern conference you get high scoring (if you like that sort of thing).
8. Likely Jessica Alba sighting. Unfortunately Cash Warren is part of the package.
7. Will Dirk demonstrate why he deserves MVP consideration or totally self-destruct?
6. You get to watch Andris Biedrins shoot free throws, or at least try to.
5. Watch Stephen Jackson get ejected.
4. Watch Mark Cuban weep like a little bitch.
3. Don Nelson vs. Avery Johnson
2. Baron Davis. Unless you are a Mavs fan how can you not love this guy?
1 comment:
#11 The Bulls don't play again until Sunday.
#12 The Mavericks won 67 games during the regular season. The Warriors won 42 games. The 25-win differential from the regular season would be the largest ever overcome.
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