Sunday, April 29, 2007
DAF's NFL Draft Thoughts

Bulls vs. Heat Game 4 Recap

Saturday, April 28, 2007
Bulls vs. Heat Game 3 Recap

Friday, April 27, 2007
Dear Pam...

Thursday, April 26, 2007
Tape Delayed Live Sports
My first disappointment was on Saturday afternoon, espn's coverage of the Lexington Stakes. Every year in anticipation for the Triple Crown, I watch all of the ESPN coverage of the warmups to the Derby to get up to speed on all of the contenders and know which Pony to put money on during the Kentucky Derby. As everyone will probably agree, putting a wager on a live sporting event, whether in person or watching on TV makes the even that much more enjoyable, so when the pre-race info was about halfway through I logged into my fictional sportsbook website (online gambling is illegal so imagine I did this) and went to the Horses section to place my fun money wager. Well, after looking for about 15 minutes trying to make sure I was at the right race track for the right race, I decided to check results, and what do you know the race had been run already and this was on tape delay. Nowhere on the coverage did espn mention that this wasnt a live event. I don't remember what they were broadcasting when this race actually was run, but when they have ESPN, News, The Deuce, Classic, ESPNU and other stations, they couldnt have found another channel to broadcast this event live?
My second disappointment came on Saturday night with the Free Showing of UFC 70 on SpikeTV. This one was a little bit easier to figure out, as it didnt end until midnight and the event was in England. Anyone with any brains realizes that this would mean the event took place at 4am in England, so it was obviously tape delayed.
Do both of these networks really think that in the world we live in today where news is avaiable in realtime on countless places on the web that people would be fooled into thinking something was live. Or more importantly do these networks care so little about their core audience that they can show an event tape delayed and say its live? I went on Wikipedia before the UFC event and saw the results online and was able to parlay this knowledge into a couple of friendly wagers with some friends at the bar over a couple drinks, as Thomas Tusser said, "A fool and his money are soon parted."
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Everyone Get In Line

Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Bulls vs. Heat Game 2 Recap

Roy Cleveland Sullivan

Roy Cleveland Sullivan was a forest ranger at
After the third or fourth lightning strike Mr. Sullivan developed a not entirely irrational opinion that some higher power was out to get him. During one of his later lightning strikes, Mr. Sullivan was running from an approaching storm when the inevitable occurred and he was struck by lighting for the fifth time.
Multiple physical ailments resulted in these lightning strikes, loss of hair, toenails, scares but lightning did not do Mr. Sullivan in. At the age of 71
If, like all of us, you have done something to cause the ire of a higher power that hopes to slay you via lightning you need to learn the lightning desperation position. To correctly perform the lightning desperation position, crouch down, but do not lie down. Bend your knees while keeping your feet together, and make yourself as small a target as possible.
Best of luck!

I don't want this to turn into a gambling blog, or more importantly a blog in which I brag about my ineptitude with gambling, but lets face it, as a 30 something white male in a relationship, there are few things of interest that other like minded individuals would want to read about (Music, movies, alcohol and book reviews are others).
All of these picks are for recreational purposes only because gambling is illegal (even though you can get sportslines in every major newspaper) and Hammering Hank and the guy who leather was with regularly make picks based on the lines. Some picks will have analysis, some won't, some will make sense, others won't.
Lakers +9 Phoenix and here are 4 reasons.
- Lakers are 4-1 ATS in the last 5 meetings.
- Lakers are 5-2 ATS in the last 7 meetings in Phoenix.
- Underdog is 4-1 ATS in the last 5 meetings.
- Road team is 4-0 ATS in the last 4 meetings.
- Milwaukee 12-7 ML this season (league best)
- Cubs 7-12 ML this season (league worst)
- Hometeam is 3-0-1 in last 4
- Chelsea is playing without Ballack and Essien but are playing well with the Cole brothers.
Monday, April 23, 2007
April 24th now waiting for May 12th
Based on this info on Mark Pryor, the revised Over/Under on Kerry Woods surgery has been moved up one week until May 12th. Heavy action has been on the under since the line was set November 7th, and the new date has shifted based on this action and the fact that it seems like both of these guys have surgery with 3-4 wks of each other (not actual fact, just seems like it).
I think it is about time the Cubs cut their losses and try to get pennies on the dollar for these two has beens, oh wait excuse me, Flash in the Pans. Maybe the new ownership of the Cubs will make this a priority, or maybe in the sales contract, the Tribune Company will have a lifetime contract on both of them included in the sale.
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Bulls vs. Heat Game 1 Recap

Friday, April 20, 2007
THe Landlord
This has sort of made its way around the internet already, but anytime you can have Will Ferrell, Adam McKay, and a 2 yr old girl named Pearl cursing, well, I have to post it. I've watched 3 times, and am still laughing. Technically, its probably NSFW, so just a heads up. Its from the site, funnyordie.
Oh, and I figured out how to imbed a video into a post, oh its on like donkey kong now.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
I'm tired of the media and the blameocracy

NBA Playoff Preview Addendum

DAF playoff preview

Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Deadspin Disrespects Bulls

One of my favorite sites, Deadspin disrespected the Bulls today in their daily NBA Roundup. To quote Deadspin, "Jay-Z And The No. 2 Seed. Larry Hughes scored 22 points and LeBron James had 18 points to lead Cleveland to a 98-92 win over Philadelphia 76ers. The Cavaliers can claim the No. 2 seed in the East tonight if they beat Milwaukee and New Jersey beats Chicago (also tonight). Will Nets part-owner Jay-Z give a more stirring pre-game speech than his pal LeBron tonight? We'll see."
As the Bulls hold the tiebreaker over the Cavaliers for the Second Seed in the East it is theres to lose, not the Cavaliers to win. The LeBrons could win 1,231 to 9 and as long as the Bulls win the Bulls are the 2 seed in the East. I can understand that Jay Z vs LeBron is a better headline, but well I can't think of a better headline. At least Will could have used this gay photo.
For you gamblers out there, Covers.com has the Bulls a 4.5 point favorite and the LeBrons are a 14.5 point favorite. I like both teams to cover. This also will start the trend of picks of the week, day, etc. in all sports, including my big Kentucky Derby preview coming up shortly before the Run for the Roses.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
NFL Predictions

1. Chad Johnson leads league in yards receiving and TD catches (YES for YARDS, NO FOR TD's-6th)
2. Bears win NFC North, lose first playoff game (NO)
3. The last half of the season is filled with stories of the Packers telling Favre he doesn't have to do it (play) anymore but Favre still does on his way to leading the NFL in INTs (NO he was 4th) 4. LaDainian wins rushing title (YES)
5. Neither the Steelers nor the Pats go to the Super Bowl (YES)
6. Millen finally gets fired after this season (NO)
7. Vikings no better than .500 (YES)
So if you split my first prediction into two separate ones I was .500 overall.
Not too bad. I may have to do this again next year. I might go double or nothing on the Matt Millen prediction too. Meanwhile, I may need to guess how many Vikings are going to get slapped with criminal charges. Looks like the secondary is picking up right where they left off last year. Wow do I hate the Vikings.
Monday, April 16, 2007
ESPN.com Poll

Oh wait, sorry I just reread the question, it asked if you object to the the presence of the Confederate Battle Flag on the state Capitol Grounds in South Carolina.
You say Tomatoe I say Tomato. Ohio, West Virginia, Kansas and Montana are the lone states from the Union that don't object to the Confederate Flag. For the sake of History, Montana was not yet a state and Kansas may or may not have still been a Territory depending on the actual date of the poll.
Saturday, April 14, 2007
What's my role in all of this?

Thursday, April 12, 2007
To quote Walter Sobchak, "You're like a child who wanders into the middle of a movie and wants to know..." Well thats not going to happen here, no long themes, posts, ideas, more just random ideas, stories, points, lessons or maybe a lack of all of those things.
Back to Direction, without it or a plan you end up wandering around aimlessly looking for a reason to go on. It is important especially as 30 something white males in this day and age to have a direction, a goal, whether to raise a family, get a new career, or become a leader of society, whatever. Well not this blog, if this blog has a direction its to allow us to escape from those things to take a relaxed attitude towards life. Enjoy or Don't.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
It's Go Time!

Recently, this show (American Idol, not PTI) has received attention for one contestant in particular, Sanjaya Malakar, and the campaign by others to vote him to victory despite an obvious lack of talent. This has caused much controversy in the media but one viewpoint in particular has grabbed my attention. Certain advocates of the Sanjaya campaign suggest that by voting him the champion (and possibly exposing AI for its flaws and destroying the show) we would subsequently expose the show for what it is, a show that preys on the American public's belief and dreams that everyone has talent, it just needs to be nurtured.
I think it goes beyond that. We like to see our heroes fail. Look at the tabloids, the entertainment news programs. We like to see Britney drunk and flashing cameltoe. We like to see Pacman Jones making it rain to the tune of a year's suspension. We can't wait for the next molestation allegations against the King of Pop. Idol is no different. Each week, the most popular show in America features a young hopeful boy or girl have their dreams crushed and then be forced to sing the song that caused them to be kicked off the show in front of the entire world while fighting back tears. And we love it.
So why does Tony like it? Maybe he likes it because it's competition, just like he enjoys sports. My guess? He, like the rest of America, can't wait to see someone else fall flat on his or her face.
BTW, what kind of jewish name is Tony anyway?